Sunday, March 25, 2007

The real life "Groundhog Day"

While I was channel surfing this week, I came across one of my favorite movies “Groundhog Day.” For those who have never seen the movie, it is about a man named Phil who relives the events of February 2nd over and over again. It is really funny. It made me wonder if there is an actual condition that causes people to experience déjà vu repeatedly. While browsing I found an article on the BBC News website that talked about a condition called chronic déjà vu, which is caused by a faulty memory process. An elderly man with this condition claimed that all of the programs on television had been on before and that he would hear the same bird singing every time he went outside. This should be so frustrating because you may have a detailed memory about something and people may argue that it never happened.

Many of the people who have this condition have experienced some type of head injury or chronic pain which lead researchers to believe that this does not happen naturally. Dr. Chris Moulin believes that chronic déjà vu could be caused by a defect in the temporal lobe, where a circuit that fires when one remembers something is malfunctioning. Much like having false memories about an event, these people believe they are remembering something that has already occurred but in reality, they could have never experienced the event at all.

The article can be found here:

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